A Table piece Story

A Table piece Story

We went to the Leckerbaer Bakery in Copenhagen, https://leckerbaer.dk and bought a box of a wide variety of sweet treats; småkager Danish traditional butter cookies.

 Back in our studio, we fixed the camera to the ceiling and shoot a series of still photos for a small stop-motion-movie. A story about our Table pieces being used for serving cakes.

Afterwards we ate them all...


Table Piece is a series of thick oak serving boards inspired by the herringbone floor.

Here it is used for serving traditional Danish “småkager” for a afternoon tea.
When it is not in use, the board creates an iconic decoration, stored up against the wall at the kitchen table top.

Each Table Piece has its own characteristics and functionality.
By combining the different boards on the dinner table, new rhythms and patterns appear - almost like creating an art piece of your own.

Table Piece is designed by Line Frier.

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